Happy Birthday to Me

I am now a wife to a husband.
I mother to a daughter.
Still a daughter to a parents.
A sister to a brother and twin sisters.
A cousins for many other cousins.
And the list go on.

Nothing has changed in my status. Only added.
Nothing has changed in my belief. Only strengthen.

To friends and families who have wished me earlier. Thanks. Happy New Year to you too.

It's 12am, 1st January 2009. To my surprise, Naza called from workplace and asked to open up Aryssa's not-frequently-use drawer of her cabinet. And there were 3 roses: purple, red and yellow and a beautiful card. Naza wished me via handphone. Sang the song. Kissed the kiss. Thanks a lot, dear. Cant wait to see you home tomorrow morning!

Me, reading the card with love notes from Naza while holding the sweet smelled roses. I love being pampered.


liyana said…
hepi bestday kak..moga murah rezeki n panjang umor..
Misz Reef said…
aS_c0mei said…
ohhh..happy belated beday!sama beday ngan adik aku,farina!bestnye korang..seluruh dunia meraikan..hehe

sweetnye naza tu..hehe..
Aida Nurni said…
Thanks liyana & Rifhan...

Yup. Sometimes, semua org ada sweetness tersendiri. Begitu juga dengan org yg korang sume sayang... one day, it will be shown to you...

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