
Showing posts from July, 2010

berita yang kita dengar

salam... terpanggil i ols untuk menulis beberapa berita yang dibaca di akhbar pagi ini. kisah jenayah, penderaan seperti sudah mula imun dalam kehidupan kita masa kini. Adakah dek kerana jahilnya kita? sibuknya kita? atau sememangnya kita sudah langsung tidak ambil peduli dengan apa yang berlaku di sekitar kerana bimbang dilabel: kepochi? DICULIK DPN SEKOLAH Kejadian di Besut, Tganu betul-betul membuatkan i ols terpana. Seorang murid perempuan berusia 15thn diculik lelaki berusia 15 dan 23thn. I ols pcaya ini mesti kes "CINTAKU DITOLAK", sbb penculik seusia dengannya. Paling i ols jelak, yang berumur 23 thn dikatakan SEDANG GERSANG kerana bini sedang berpantang bersalin. MOTIF?? Tolonglah wahai si suami di luar sana, kawallah nafsu, banyakkan solat sunat ketika isteri berpantang. Barulah niat jahat macamni tidak wujud. Jangan dicemari institusi perkahwinan dengan perangai sedemikian rupa. Weddings are institutions to be respected. DONT TARNISHED THEM! TREND TINGGAL BERSAMA

Life is cruel

Salam everyone. After my previous note, nothing change. NOTHING. My boss still want me to do 100% BD. I AM SO DEVASTATED. I mean, can they manage it? My colleague has been PAUL the octopus lately. Her hands are everywhere. Once for this task, another for this one and not even a minute, she changed to another task. She tried to cope, but she cannot. Remembering last year's incident, she actually asked me to help, though she knows i cannot. Being a good PR personnel, i couldnt resist to help (i know my boss would love this). My colleague will be away tomorrow until next Monday. here are the tasks she has while away: 1. A visit from Sabah - to know more on our management and its operations (get this, boss wants her to hand it over to our TRAINEE: READ, TRAINEE. Last year, she did the same thing and asked trainee to do it. HE FAILED.) 2. A brieifing session at hall by KL Sentral - mind you, they will ask all sorts of last minute things. It's normal. AND my boss wants my colleague t

it's almost a year... and it happens AGAIN. READ: AGAIN

Hello readers. Been so long since my last entry. Masih hidup. Masih bernyawa. Tapi berkeadaan seperti zombie di kala ini lantaran another same case happened to me last year, is happening again. ENTRY in 2009, May - August: full of frustrating elements, hatreds, gerams... rasa nak bunuh orang. And then i wrote this, READ: Monday, October 12, 2009 and tonite i am ready to go to work salam. Bru nk tdo ni. Hehe. Setelah sekian lama, i actualy bersiap utk keje esok: kemaskan beg (kalo tidak,i juz grab apa yg ada dlm beg - roti last friday yg simpan dlm beg pun kdg2 ada lg ms g keje hari isnin), siapkan baju (oh. Siap iron sume. Pastikan socks ada. Tudung kasi lilin). Kenapa ye? Wht hs gotten into me? Senang je. Bile keje yg kte suke buat, biar stres, kte tetap senyum. Tp keje yg kte tk feel nk buat, even semudah mana, kte rasa mcm nk marah je masa buat. Btl tk? Senang citer,i got to do pr tasks (i hope utk selamanye coz i kesian tgk my fren handle sorg -