I've been tagged by SHANIM
Law & Order
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
Here are the rules:
Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share seven facts about yourself on your blog – some random, some weird.
Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Well, i tak kesah take pictures bila2 sbb i memang DIVA... hahahaha... So, here it is: tanpa make up, i ols tetap CANTEQ!
Wearing the tshirt we bought kat Koh Samui masa honeymoon dulu. Lorh... teringat sungguh. Rasa nak honeymoon lagi sekali. Muka mmg ada kesan2 tinggalan jerawat sbb masa pantang, malas nak jaga (pasni, kene top up brg2 felisa).
So, ni adalah2 beberapa perkara ttg saya yang weird, kelakar dan yg anda tak tau:
1. selalu berpeluh sampai basah ketiak. tapi itu tidak bermakna ketiak busuk yg amat. iklan deodorent sering memutar belitkan situasi, asal basah je, busuk. HUH!
2. tak ske lambat2 siap gi mana2 - i mean, i dah siap, org tak siap lagi. sbb? seperti di atas. when i sweat, i bebel tak ingat
3. i dulu collect mag budak2: make it groovy. simply bcos dia ada byk gifts each issue; pens, groovy stuffs. i still have it sume tu. tapi rasanya mag tu dah takde.
4. suka makan cheese and mayonise begitu saja
5. saya tido berdengkur ... hahahah!
6. Suke sgt mkn big apple
7. saya suke sos tomato. bukan cili
saya mengetag:
1. Eliana Azyze
2. Hana Luv
3. Shida
4. Helmi Othman
5. Zeeka Adkaa
6. HBY
7.Abg Poji