Craving for tempoyak Daun...

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Do you always experience airliur meleleh dek kerana terlihatkan post kwn2 pasal food kat social media? I do. Always do. Normally when that happened, I will try my best to get it; either by searching the recipe and make it on my own, ask my husband to drive me to the place that serve the food, or simply order online, Suh org bikinkan.

Tapi kali ni, i made an effort to make it myself walaupun Perut jauh ke depan dah. The craved food? Tempoyak Daun! Yummy! Let me bring you to my kitchen now. Warning: please have your tissue with you cause you will be drooling. Haha.

Okay, selepas kita panaskan kuali dengan minyak, kita masukkan tempoyak yang sudah diblend dengan cili padi. Berapa byk? Terpulang la kat u ols. Nak pedas, nak masam, taruk sendiri.

Lepas tu masukkan hirisan bawang merah dalam 3, 4 biji. Sapa suka bawang boleh letak lebih.

Then, the anchovies. 

Aaaaa and the best part, gives you the aroma! Hirisan daun kaduk, daun kunyit dan daun kesom.. Yum yumyum..

Petai. Dan sedikit serbuk kunyit kalau nak kaler cantik sikit. Masak sampai pecah minyak Ye. 

Tadaaaa! Dah siap! Senang kan?

So, that's how you do it. Eat it with rice. Or bread. Or simply with your favourite ulam. Love it!

Next time kena cari makanan lain untuk dicoba Before I deliver.

Credot to: for the shared menu.

Yum yum yum.


Anonymous said…
assalamualaikum. terliur saya :)
Aida Nurni said…
Waalaikumsalam.. Mrslya cubalah buat. Saya pun First time. Jadi jugak. Lepas gian masa mengandung. Hehe.

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