the herba'life
Hi all...
Seperti mana ramai yang penah katakan, selepas berpantang adalah waktu yang paling kritikal untuk seorang ibu. Masa ni, apa yang kita nampak, nak makan. Maklumlah, 44 hari berpuasa makan sedap. Dan masa inilah berat badan kita mudah sangat nak naik.
In my case, my weight was only 55kg after the confinement. I got my weight back. Akan tetapi, dgn keadaan yg sentiasa lapar menyusukan aryssa, i was always grabbing food. All types of food. End up, i gained weight to 58kg. Huh. I stressed big time.
Then, my twin sisters decided to help me out. HERbALIfE. Yup. I tried this once before my wedding and believe me, i lost 2 kgs in just 2 weeks!! Well, you need to focus on the program, though. However, looking at the financial status, i only managed to buy the tea only - that is also hutang dgn Adik.
Just within 6 days, i managed to lost 1.4kg! Alhamdullilah. Ni bukan nak promote ek... the most important thing bila u nak lose weight is DETERMINATION. Tiada ini, tiadala berat badan yang ideal.
Selain minum tea, twins adviced me to drink lots of water - lots of them. Dan pada masa yang sama, dia juga bagitau apa yg senang dihadam dan apa yg tidak (bukan apa yang boleh dan apa yg tidak bcos dengan Herbalife, you can eat anything). Ada sesetengah consumer yang lain, just consume Herbalife without having any pre and post check up of their body health (like, berapa berat, berapa byk air dlm badan, berapa banyk kalori leh amik sehari, umur badan, etc.). Sapa2 yg nak tau lebih lanjut, they can ask me or tanya la "CHENTA KAMI".
Thanks Twins... and Adik's Hafiz. They have helped me. And now i have to help myself. I just need to continue and then i will be healthier than ever.
The HERbaLiFE tea and the big mug, owns by an officemate for my plain water, daily.
Yihaaa... marilah hidup dgn lebih sehat!
marilah ke kehidupan yg lebey sehat ok sis? ;p
n chaiyok2! berusaha lebey sket..
nnt kte shape up & u leh maintain ok sis?
jgn lupe drink more more and more water!
buktikn kpd mama dat 'u can do it! u can slim like others!'
jgn mkn roti jew.. mdrpd mkn roti bek mkn nsik..
roti adlh sejenis mknan yg kompleks..
sbb die dh diproses dgn gandum, tepung, yis n laen2..
so, penghadaman die lbt berlaku berbanding nasik..
more information.. ask me! ;p
x bleh makan roti ke?..utk mlm je pun x bleh?..alamak..dah silap dah ni..apa kata kau post kat blog, nasihat pemakanan..bleh gak aku refer..hmmm
n roti tak elok sgt mkn pd waktu perot kosong or dlm keadaan kelaparan.. sbb die bole bwk angin. =)
btw, sory.. excited sgt nk reply smpai terpggl 'akak'.. tak sempt nk check dlu profile.. heee..
Let me noe the details k, kalo mahal, rif bersenam je lah jwb nya.huhuhuhu
kalo kte nk ckp psl harga.. ade arga yg murah n mahal. nk yg mane? ;p nk bersenam mmg bole.. tp smpai ble anda nk bersenam?
susah nk bcte psal harga n fakta2 dlm ni.. better kte talk dpn2.. takot ter slh phm.. tak bli takpe.. at least anda sudah mengetahui serba sedikit ttg kesihatan bdn kte. utk dgr hanya free.. takde byran dikenakn.. ;)
ape2 hal.. text me..
u can get my number tru aida.