Is last minute our culture?
"I doubt anyone would do this for raya preparation. Wondering why..."
"Mama patut kena pegi training esok. Diorang baru bagi surat petang tadi"
Imagine you have a daughter at home, trying to rest for a week due to pregnancy's minor complication.
Imagine you have planned a holiday trip for your family since it is school holiday season.
So, after imagining that, imagine that you are forced to go for a training which was only informed to you like 18 hours before the departure date (despite the fact that transport is provided).
Is this our culture to give last minute instruction? Last minute decision? Last minute confirmation?
WHy cant one be more responsible, knowing that this is the school holiday season, and give out the instructions earlier, like a month before the date?
Or, is it someone out there just doesn't care about other people and just think that: "hey, this is my plan, my project, i am gonna get a credit out of it... cool, huh?"
MORAL: Put yourself in other people's shoes. You will learn new things. Trust me. I am doing it in my life. That is why I hate giving last minute instructions.