
Showing posts from August, 2008

Ala, biasala, tengah mengandung

Kenapa semua orang akan bagi jawapan yang macam ni bila orang yang kali pertama mengandung bertanyakan sesuatu? Seolah-olah, bakal ibu ini pernah mengalami simptom-simptom tu. Seolah-olah, bakal ibu ini dah berulangkali membaca buku pregnancy sebelum berkahwin dan conceive. Seolah-olah, semua orang mempunya simptom yang sama. Saya bukanlah nak sound tepat pada orang-orang yang sering mengucapkan sedemikian, tapi bak kata ada sorang midwife yang tolong urutbelai saya lepas kuar hospital: Sepatutnya kita bagitau kenapa benda tu terjadi, bukannya jawab "ala, biasalah". Betul. Kalau "ala, biasalah" maka tak perlulah yang tua membantu yang muda, doktor membantu pesakit dan penulis menulis buku mengandung. Kenapa saya tetiba emosi? Ntah. Emosi tak stabil kot. Hahah.

2 VCDs during my MC

Ini ialah poster citer Apa Kata Hati. Ini adalah poster untuk citer CINTA dan LOVE. Keduanya ada 5 siri cinta. Cinta Sh. Amani dan Pierre dibawak oleh watak Iin dan Rama. Cinta Shidi dan Rita dibawa oleh watak Gilang dan Miranda. Cinta Fasha dan Eizlan = Tere dan Awin. Rahim & Fatimah = Arif/Amir & Lestari. Hello... Sepanjang seminggu MC, i managed to watch 2 movies: Apa Kata Hati & LOVE. So, here's my thought of these movies. Apa Kata Hati Typical Malay movie, i might say. Cuma yang menariknya ialah bagaimana pengarah dan penulis cerita ini dapat membuka pekung lelaki yang kebanyakan otaknya sama sahaja: pikir pasal perempuan ajez. Dalam cerita ni, cinta diletakkan sebagai satu fantasi, ada kata-kata rahsia, ada sayang2... mcm2 la. Nampak tak real la jugak. Oh. Yang paling tak real, pelakon lelakinya sorg PR. Pakai kete mewah, umah apartment yang hebat. Kecuali dia seorang PR MANAGER atau atas dari itu, maka ianya tak logik la. Then, yang buat saya tak puas hati sikit,...

to all the pregnant ladies out there who use public transport...

I guess we can do this too! Pregnant Lady On A Bus - Funny Commercial - Click here for more home videos

Is last minute our culture?

"I doubt anyone would do this for raya preparation. Wondering why..." "Mama patut kena pegi training esok. Diorang baru bagi surat petang tadi" Imagine you have a daughter at home, trying to rest for a week due to pregnancy's minor complication. Imagine you have planned a holiday trip for your family since it is school holiday season. So, after imagining that, imagine that you are forced to go for a training which was only informed to you like 18 hours before the departure date (despite the fact that transport is provided). Is this our culture to give last minute instruction? Last minute decision? Last minute confirmation? WHy cant one be more responsible, knowing that this is the school holiday season, and give out the instructions earlier, like a month before the date? Or, is it someone out there just doesn't care about other people and just think that: "hey, this is my plan, my project, i am gonna get a credit out of it... cool, huh?" MORAL: Put...

Suara hati mama

Baby, Mama dah tak sabar nak jumpa baby Masa 3 bulan pertama baby dalam perut mama Mama rasa macam tak percaya je Yelah, mama 'merah' masa honeymoon Ingatkan rezeki lambat lagi Mama makan banyak.... Mama tido banyak... Mama muntah pun banyak... Masa 3 bulan kedua baby dalam perut mama Mama dah leh rasa baby kentut dalam perut Mama dah leh rasa baby gerak dalam perut Mama dah leh tau baby ni girl ke boy Oh, excited sungguh....! Masa 3 bulan terakhir ni Mama mesti rasa rindu dengan tendangan baby Mama mesti rasa rindu nak bercakap dengan baby sambil usap-usap perut Mama mesti rasa rindu nak geletek kaki baby dalam perut ni Tapi... Semua rindu itu akan terubat Sebab baby nanti akan ada dalam pelukan mama!! We welcome you, babylove!!!

manusia berpegang pada janji versi 2

SAlam... Bagi mereka yang ada baca post sebelum ni, sure tahu cerita pasal treasure hunt hari tuh. Anyway, J ada emailed and explained things. About 3 weeks after the hunt. Yup. 3 weeks all it takes to have the courage to say sorry. He mentioned that he had some problem yang melibatkan family dia. I replied: It's ok. Hope that you and your family ok now. But why does it take almost 3 weeks for you to stand for yourself?" And that's the end of the conversation. Dia pun tak reply semula. And the best part is, rasanya dia baca post tu, sbb dia ada kata dia nak undur diri dari group ni (or could it be someone told him?). Apapun, J, take care of your family. Dan ada pulak versi ke 2 topic ni. It happened to me and my family. Ada yang tahu skrg ni kami menyewa di area dekat dgn rumah sbb rumah kami sedang direnovasikan... The plan was made even before my marriage. Cuma start the works in January 2008 since masa kenduri nak pakai umah tu untuk bersanggah. So, now, it is already ...

and this is the reason why i havent updated for so long

Damai Service Hospital Melawati The drip Tangan si ibu yg mula membengkak Ok... so, i am now in the 8th month of pregnancy. Masa2 yang agak kritikal, huduh, buruk, busuk dan penat. Tak sangka pulak kena admitted on Thurs, 14 Aug 2008 sampai Sabtu, 16 Aug 2008. Punca: I had a very constant cramp kat perut/uterus ni. I thought takde apa and keje jugak Rabu tuh. Balik tu, nak tidor dah mcm lain je.. sesak nafas. Naza pulak keje malam. So, i waited him pagi Khamis sbb nak gi jumpa doc. My normal check up ialah dgn Dr Asmah, tapi klinik dia tak bukak Khamis tuh. Still, sbb sakit sgt, i gi jumpa doc biasa yang mana dia buat ultrasound and check mmg ada preterm contraction. OMG! (baby, bila mummy kata mummy tak sabar nak jumpa, bukanlah bermakna skrg... iaitu bulan Sept ini.. .). I guess the milenium babies are very energetic! I was then referred to another birth centre. Buat CTG test. MMG ADA CONTRACTION and according to the nurse, i may be admitted. berbalik ke doc tadi, dia terus tulis su...

WEEK 34!!!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 34: Fetus in eighth month Your amazing baby is on the move (yup! moving like one good dancer!) ! They’ve been riding fairly high in your stretched-out womb till now (while kindly compressing your poor internal organs - i agree... terkencing sentiasa dan rasa nak uk uk selalu ), but now they’re planning on making the big move to your pelvis this week. If you haven’t noticed it already, you’ll be feeling the weight shift that signals that your baby is most likely out of breech position, with their head now resting on your pubic bone. In liver news: although not quite fully formed, your little miracle’s liver is now capable of processing a certain amount of waste. In general, most of your child’s prenatal physical development is pretty much up to snuff and ready for the outside world. Naturally, further weight gain is expected—so you’re still not at maximum capacity despite probably feeling like you definitely are maxed out (actually, i dah rasa nak ba...

Volunteers di Zoo Negara

Sorry for the long wait for my next post. Agak sibuk and i will let you know why. 9th August 2008, as planned, MRCB Building Services Division held a volunteers day at Zoo Negara. Walaupun it's only for a half day session, still, most of the staffs enjoyed doing the works. About 35 of us altogether that day. Ada yang cuci kandang beruang, kandang zirafah, harimau. -Mcm2. Myself? Well, sbbkan buyung, i was an all-rounder bersama Kak Ina & Hedgebeewhy. Mencari volunteers dan mengambil gambar. We ended the session at around 1.00pm. Many think that this should be done yearly. Insya Allah, ada suppport, PR will do it... Ha ha. Bawah ni, ada pictures sket. Yg byk dlm folder kat ofis tapi tak buleh nak amik... I'll let you know why... Abg Naza sempat bergambar dgn zirafah... Muka letih baru balik dari Zoo and pekena cendol...

the eighth month's pregnancy

"No wonderlah asyik rasa ditendang. Kakinya di atas..." Your pregnancy: 32 weeks How your baby's growing:By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds ( pick up a large jicama ) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth. How your life's changing:To accommodate you and your baby's growing needs, your blood volume has increased 40 to 50 percent since you got pregnant. With your uterus pushing up near your diaphragm and crowding your stomach, the consequences may be shortness of breath and heartburn . To help relieve your discomfort, try sleeping propped up with ...

Lawak surat

Saya tahu ada sesetengah kita yang dapat surat mcmni. Dan ada yang buat surat mcmni. Saya tahu ada surat yang standard, yang kita guna selalu, tapi tukar bhgn alamat, nama dan sebagainya. Tapi, perlukan kesilapan ini disengajakan? Moral: Check before you send. Dah terang lagi bersuluh. Namaku ada binti... 'Tuan' lagikah?

Makan di MURNI SS2 PJ

Surprise! Surprise! Rupanya adindaku J.O pulang ke Malaysia pada 1/8/08. Kiranya mcm tetiba je dia muncul di rumah. Padahal, dia dah bagitau kat sorang2 ahli keluarganya. Tinggal lagi, kitorg tak convey the msg to one another sbb takut J.O mmg nak buat surprise. Whatever it is, Papa gi la amik dia kat Airport hari tuh, dgn sangkaan, tak perlu bagitau sesapa la including Mama sbb J.O nak buat surprise. Padahal, J.O pulak suruh Mama tunggu dia kat airport jugak. MOTIF? Anyway, Sat, 2/8/08, kitorg gi makan kat satu tempat menurut Kakak (my elder twin sister) sgt best. Ada mcm2 yang takde kat kedai biasa. Namanya MURNI SS2 PJ. Since I am up for anything yang special, aku pun nak la pegi. We went there all: Papa, Mama, J.O, Kakak, Adik, Shikin and Naza. I thought it's a kedai makan. Rupanya satu ala-ala NZ tuh.. Byk2 kerusi.. Byk2 org... Org lepak2... Sian pulak Papa n Mama kene gi sana... tempat org muda. Dah la hampir tersesat. Sampai je, kene rebut tempat. Haru betul. Nasib baik tak...